B2B Website Design

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B2B Website Design

Research shows that it only takes about 15 seconds to capture the attention of your web visitors. Therefore, an effective B2B website design needs to have a clear purpose, attractive, easy to navigate and should offer detailed information about your business.

For many B2B businesses, a website is their best sales tool. B2B marketing has unique challenges when it comes to building customer relationships and optimizing a high-performing B2B website funnel. Whereas B2C sales are usually completed within a few website visits, B2B companies rarely expect immediate purchases on their websites.

It is really important to remember, the needs of a business and different from that of a consumer.

So, how do you make your web visitors interested in your offer and brand?

Through a B2B website design that promotes your product or the service you offer.

Your B2B website design should focus on meeting the needs of your customers in your industry. This means you need to provide your clients with the information they need to do business with you. You need to provide a solution to their problem.

What is a B2B Website?

The best B2B websites are designed to inform and captivate prospects to engage with your brand. A website for B2B is designed to sell products and services to other businesses, not consumers.

A little refresher on the differences between a B2B business website versus a B2C business website:

End Goal

The main goal of a B2C (business to consumer) website is to make an immediate sale while a B2B (business to business) website is focused on creating a relationship with the buyer.

Therefore things like branding, valuable resources, and contact information are very important in the B2B website design.

Path of The Buyer

The path of a B2B buyer is longer than that of a B2C buyer. In the end, the path a B2C buyer takes will hopefully end up in the shopping cart, while a B2B buyer ends up filling out a form to contact a sales representative. For this reason, it is important to highlight your call-to-action, contact information as well as any relevant educational resources and materials.

Product Price

The price of a B2C product or service is lower than that of a B2B product or service. Due to this reason, the customer purchasing products from a B2B website will need more guidance and direction than a B2C customer.

A B2B website design should focus on bringing in results. You need to look for a B2B website design agency that will help you design the best B2B business website for you. Things to keep in mind for an effective B2B website design:

  • Rank well in all search engines
  • Have meta descriptions that encourage visitors to click through the website
  • Easy to navigate
  • Strong call-to-action on landing pages to encourage conversion

Your primary goal when creating the B2B website design is building it around your targeted niches. You should keep in mind that people visiting your website are not customers. They are your prospects.

You can strategize to get business leads from SEO or AdWords, but the actual measurement of successful B2B website design is in the conversion.

Your B2B Website is the Best Sales Person

B2B consumers never make impulse purchases. Realistically, no one will visit a SaaS (software as a service) website and make an outright purchase. Most likely what they are buying is an investment to their business so making a wrong decision is a big risk. Therefore, most customers find it necessary to speak to a sales representative before committing.

Today, most buyers will contact a sales representative down at the sales funnel. This means the way your B2B business website looks and its content speaks more than your sales team. Instead of the buyer contacting your sales team immediately, they can read through your website and get their answers.

Most importantly, your B2B website should meet your clients’ needs. You should not design your B2B website just because you need it to be updated. It is important to understand that businesses are not the same and this principle should apply to your B2B website.

You need to have it custom designed depending on what you do. Here are things to consider before hiring a B2B website developer for your B2B website design:

  • Products and Services you sell
  • Your business location
  • Your client base
  • The unique services you offer your customers that others do not

It is important to give your B2B website design service provider all the information about your business. Work with a B2B website designer that will 100% custom design your website. Doing this will make your website unique.

Top B2B Website Design Tips That Attract the Attention of Buyers

Did you know that about 94% of buyers do research online before making purchases? If you want to increase your sales, you need to design a B2B website for those customers.

Imagine having a conversation with a person who isn’t attentive, or having a conversation where you have lost interest and wish the other party could just stop talking.

Where do you think the disconnect is coming from?

There might be two reasons for this:

  1. You may be interrupted by something else
  2. You are not interested in what the other person is talking about

The same scenario can happen to your B2B website. If the way you have presented your company and your service is not pleasing enough, most potential buyers will pass and move on to the next. To make an effective website design for your B2B business, keep the following in mind:

  • Your website must instantly give your visitors a reason to stay. Most internet users click from one site to another in search of answers. If your website does not give value in the first 10 seconds, the visitor will leave
  • It is important for your website to load fast in your visitors’ browsers — any delay will make you lose your potential customers to your competitors
  • Your website should be easy to navigate. Many visitors have zero tolerance for complex or cumbersome websites
  • All products and services should be clearly described

Tips for Creating an Impactful B2B Website

Research shows that most customers research products online and later purchase them from stores. Therefore, it is important that companies should take web and digital marketing seriously. Your B2B website is the main medium for communicating about your brand. Follow these tips to help increase the level of impact for your B2B website:

Know Your Target Audience

When building your B2B website, you need to know who you are talking to. Understand your customers’ needs and get to know what brings them to your website. Most of the time, when customers land on your website it means they are looking for information and not necessarily to make a purchase. Give them what they want.

To make your visitors stay a little longer on your B2B website or make them come back again, you need to know their history or the products and services they purchase. Take the time to understand their strengths and weaknesses and any problems that keep them awake at night or anything that contributes to their business headaches.

When you fully understand your target audience, you will not play a guessing game with your B2B website design or content. Creating a strong first impression is your first opportunity to gain their business.

Optimize for SEO

Once you get to know who your target audience is, you can start developing your B2B website. SEO is a great method of reaching your target audience. The people you reach will most likely end up being your prospective customers.

SEO can be broken down into three categories:

  • Keyword research – you can research words and phrases that will lead you to your target customers
  • Offline optimization – this is where you link back to your site through social media prompts for events and giveaways
  • Online optimization – you can optimize your site by using online elements like meta description, title and anchor words

Focus on Quality Design and Content

When designing your B2B website, it should contain colors and imagery that align with your brand. Your branding should have both primary and secondary colors that are used on the background and fonts. You need to know the tone to use for your B2B business before working on the website design for your B2B site.

Is your business all professional or light and fun? Using the right tone and colors for your B2B website design is important. Similarly, you should engage your audience with a similar tone when handling and answering their questions. For example, if your B2B website is very professional it would be an inconsistent experience if your sales representatives were handling your clients in a casual manner. The tone and experience need to match.

Lastly, make sure your B2B website design and writing is clear and concise so that your audience can get your message within seconds.

Build a User-Friendly Site

By user-friendly, we mean a website that is easy to use. Attracting visitors with keywords is not enough. Your B2B website design should attract visitors and give them a reason to revisit. A website that is not easy to navigate makes visitors leave your website and never return. Therefore, it is important to invest in the best B2B web design technology to give your visitors a positive user experience that motivates them to come back and make purchases.

However, it is also important to note that not all websites need to be visually stunning. An attractive website does not always meet your clients’ needs. When designing your site, make sure to create a website that is purposeful and is clearly created to meet your clients’ needs. For example, if you need to communicate with existing customers you can have pages that are designed with a form submission for inquiry submissions. If there is a need for customers to submit documents, you can have a page that allows for password-protected documents to be uploaded.

Strong Call-to-Action

It doesn’t matter how great your website is if you do not have a strong call to action, then the time spent to create a great B2B website design will not be as effective as you would like.

First, get to know the goals of your website. Do you want to get more business leads? Drive awareness or sell a specific product?

Always use call-to-actions to move your visitors through your website and make it easy for them to complete your offer.

You can have the best B2B website design, but with poor marketing skills, getting your potential customers can still be a problem. In the next section, we will go into more detail about specific marketing strategies that will help take your B2B website to the next level.

The Best Marketing Strategies for Your B2B Business

It is every business owner’s wish to have their return on investment. Today, B2B marketing has evolved quickly thanks to the changing expectations of the new generation buyer and the application of artificial intelligence technology.

To get the most of your marketing costs, you need to know the latest trends of B2B business to get a return on your investment.

What are the best marketing techniques you can use to attract your potential customers? We have put together a list of some of the best marketing techniques for your B2B business.

  1. Conversational Selling
  2. Back then, selling was done one-to-one. Sellers talked to buyers and got what they wanted and later offered a solution. Unfortunately, this kind of selling was not scalable, and the process of nurturing relationships using the old school method was costly to many businesses.

    Today, it is still possible to use conversational selling to strike a deal due to technology.

    Sellers can use chat technology like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to apply conversational selling strategies without spending anything or hiring a salesman.

    You can convert any visitor and make them a lead with conversational selling. It is now easier than ever to follow up on previous interactions, make new relationships, connect potential customers to your sales team and improve customer retention by providing timely product support.

    Conversational selling will only be successful if you provide your potential customers with relevant and helpful information in real-time.

  3. Online Reviews
  4. The new generation buyers mostly rely on online reviews, recommendations, and social media content to make their purchasing decisions. Having an area on your website that displays product reviews and recommendations can be a great way to get more leads.

    Also, you can also make use of third-party review sites to get in front of most of your competitors. You can use social media to your advantage and use it strategically to engage your audience and create a good image.

    For B2B companies, LinkedIn can be the best platform for connecting with the right prospects, sharing product news and adding value.

  5. SEO
  6. About 90% of B2B buyers use the internet when doing their research. Therefore, it is important to appear on the top first page of the search engine results to attract new potential customers.

    However, you cannot rank with a keyword strategy that you used years ago. Google changes its algorithm and businesses that focus on creating relevant and up to date content will rank better.

Here are some SEO tips to will help you rank better on search engines:

  • Local SEO
    If you offer your services to a certain geographical area or have a local store, it is important to optimize for local search. Doing this will help you rank higher in the local group. Your website will always appear on top of the relevant search results.
  • Mobile Responsive B2B Website
  • More than half of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Google ranks mobile-optimized websites better in search results. Many B2B buyers have turned their mobile phones into their main research medium and use it to conduct their businesses there. Which is why it is so important for your B2B website design to be mobile friendly first as it will help increase the amount of time on your site, decrease the bounce rate and reduce loading time which is all positively ranked by on Google.

  • Longtail Keywords
  • About 70% of search traffic comes from long-tail keywords. Therefore, websites that use them have a higher chance of ranking higher on the search engines and getting more business leads.

    You can optimize each of your web pages with a different keyword to increase the chance of your website of appearing on most of the relevant searches.

  • LSI(Latent Semantic Indexing) Keywords
  • LSI keywords help Google to understand your content and help you rank better accurately.

  • Visual Content and Videos
  • Use of visual content helps increase the level of engagement, improves dwell time and encourages sharing. This are all positive signals of ranking in Google and will help you rank.

  • Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • For a long time, marketers have been collecting a large amount of data without any idea of how to fully utilize it to get actionable insights. Thanks to artificial intelligence marketing technologies, buyers can use the information collected to analyze the behavior of customers and create personalized content to increase conversion rates.

    For example, you can use data-driven marketing strategies to deliver personalized information to customers during their purchasing stages. First, they get attracted to your website and it gets them to fill out some forms. During this stage, you get to nurture the relationships by sending them emails and chatting with them in real-time to accelerate the sales pipeline. At this stage, you can clearly identify your target customers and engage them with personalized campaigns that lead to new future opportunities.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • If you have a B2B website that cannot convert web traffic into visitors, then you are wasting your money. Conversion rate optimization helps increase your return on investment and also increases revenue dollars.

    Here are some ideas to help you increase your customer conversion rate and improve the experience your customers get when interacting with your website:

    Improve your services and product page by writing clear and concise product descriptions.

    Make sure your images and demo videos are of the highest quality. It is important to have a call to action that can be quickly located when the website is viewed on a mobile device.

    Make it easy for customers to reorder items they had already bought. Business to Business customers tends to order the same products repeatedly.
    Make sure your checkout process is simple to prevent cart abandonment and improve customer retention. A great feature to automate is the cart abandonment emails – this will help nudge customers who did not finish purchasing to checkout.

How to Hire For a B2B Website Design Expert

Hiring a web designer is not an easy task. Many companies and agencies claim that they can do a perfect job. But, how do you know who to trust? A great B2B website designer should concentrate on not only the visual aspect but also the growth of the business. Here are things your designer should focus on when building your B2B website design:

Automation and integration

Time is a precious asset to every business. You need to have a B2B website design that includes a high level of integration and automation. A design that can capture leads in a database and send automated responses for further engagement. Your B2B website design should also be able to generate reports to keep track of leads and conversions. A great design will seamlessly integrate all your marketing strategies and focus on reaching your targeted customers and getting business leads.

A Design that Meets Its Purpose and Function

Now that we all understand the reason behind B2B website designs, leads, and conversions, we can also understand that if it is not well developed it will never achieve its initial intention. It is therefore imperative that the B2B website design has a solid technical foundation. It should also be fast and secure for its users.

Part of being fast and effective, your B2B website must be mobile-friendly. The faster it loads on mobile devices, the better it ranks in the search engines.

Easy to Maintain

Your B2B website should have qualified and reliable professionals editing and maintaining the content on your website. This is why you need to hire a B2B website design and service agency that will train you on how to maintain and edit your website. It is in your best interest to hire a website designer who is readily available when you need to make changes to your website.

Also, take a look at this article about great manufacturing website design

Galvanic Solutions is a digital agency that can help you with all your web development and marketing needs. We specialize in B2B website design and digital marketing services. We are readily available to handle all your B2B web design needs from planning, implementation to maintenance. We aim at creating a B2B website design that attracts, converts and retains your existing customers.

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